
GetGenome CFPs are designed to identify scientists that would benefit from access to genomics technology and training.

Please find a list of CFPs below. If your projects falls within the scope of a particular CFP, please apply by clicking the link and completing the application.


The applicant must agree with several statements before a submission can be made.

As a part of application submissions, we typically ask you to agree that you will deposit the appropriate material to the quality and quantity specified. We also ask you to agree that we will store your sample for safe keeping. We will not distribute your samples to anyone with the exception of third party sequencing providers for the sole purpose of genomic sequencing.

As a part of our public benefit commitment and commitment to open science publication, you will need to agree that data generated via GetGenome will be deposited with the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and this deposit will be accompanied by the publication of an article referring to the data. Check out our Zenodo community for examples of previous alumni's work (note, we will not be co-authors of articles associated with CFPs). We will work with you to deposit data and publish work. We believe that scientists should be able to publish their data for the benefit of everyone, including themselves, without cost. For more information please see our FAQ section.

We may also ask you to agree that if your application is successful, we may publicize your  name, affiliation(s), project title and photo on GetGenome platforms and in related media.

We inform you that information provided in the application will be processed according to GetGenome/TSL Policies and may be accessible to the Selection Committee (third party) for the purposes of application assessment and eligibility checks.

No. Only if your application is successful, some information such as your name, affiliation and project title may be used on the GetGenome website and in GetGenome platforms and related media. Your application will be made available to view by GetGenome and the selection committee who will treat your application with confidentiality.

Not typically. We aim to provide access to sequencing technology and genomics-related training free of charge. There may be some circumstances where we are unable to arrange free importation of samples. In these situations, we may ask that you cover the cost of sample shipment. We will discuss these arrangements during the process.



Open CFPs

Please follow us on Twitter and Facebook for news of upcoming calls.



GGPlasmidSeq2023 whole plasmid sequencing

Deadline: Open-ended

Scope: Purified plasmid DNA, eligible countries



Closed CFPs


GGSouthAsia2024 bacterial genome sequencing

Deadline: Closed (December 19th 2024)

Scope: non-pathogenic, culturable bacteria

GGMENA2024 bacterial genome sequencing

Deadline: Closed (26th June 2024)

Scope: non-pathogenic, culturable bacteria

GGLatAm2024 bacterial genome sequencing

Deadline: Closed (27th March 2024)

Scope: Non-pathogenic, culturable bacteria

GGPakistan2023 bacterial genome sequencing

Deadline: Closed (27th October 2023)

Scope: non-pathogenic, culturable bacteria



GGMexico2023 bacterial genome sequencing

Deadline: Closed (20th March 2023)

Scope: Non-pathogenic, culturable bacteria



Tunisia-2022 bacterial genome sequencing

Deadline: Closed (11th November 2022)

Scope: Non-pathogenic, culturable bacteria





CFP Resources

Please find resources below that may provide useful information concerning GetGenome Call For Projects.

CFP Application Workshop

